J. Kevin Chapman is Bagpiping Chicago, a bagpiper for funerals. Funeral directors and family members often choose Bagpiping Chicago for a memorial service or funeral.
“I’m usually able to play on short notice . . . I’m doing what I love.”
J. Kevin Chapman, Bagpiping Chicago
Bagpiping Chicago (formerly the Mad Piper of Mount Prospect) can be arranged for any or all of the following:
- Visitation
- Funeral
- Gravesite
Kevin says, “Each funeral is different, and requires planning that is done quickly but professionally. It is my honor to plan each funeral bagpiping session according to the family’s wishes. Plus, I maintain a personal touch and the solemnity of the occasion.”
Why Bagpiping Chicago for Funerals
Kevin has played the bagpipes at hundreds of funerals and other events. Not only is he reverent and reliable, but he is also trustworthy. Further, he strives to exceed expectations as a bagpiper for funerals.
Bagpiping Chicago will go the extra mile. Kevin will touch base with the pianist or organist or other musicians to coordinate timing. The morning of a funeral can be a hectic and chaotic time, working with the funeral director and taking initiative, Kevin helps to ensure that the bagpiping goes smoothly.
Bagpiping Honors the Deceased
Playing the bagpipes at funerals is a time-honored tradition.
Families who have cultural ties to bagpipes will often request a bagpiper for their loved one’s funeral. These individuals may have an ancestral tie to the Isles, such as Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. Playing the pipes is a long-standing cultural tradition in Spain and France, too.
Additionally, families of veterans or first responders, such as police officers and firefighters, often feel a special connection to the bagpipes.
Others simply enjoy the soul-stirring sound of the ancient instrument.
The special touch of bagpiping at a funeral helps families to cherish and honor their loved one.
What’s more, funerals are a time of reflection and remembrance. As Bagpiping Chicago (formerly the Mad Piper of Mount Prospect), J. Kevin Chapman pays tribute to your loved one with quality bagpipe music that reflects the individuality of your loved one.
It was an honor to play for this veteran of WWII

J. Kevin Chapman, Bagpiping Chicago
“It is my honor to plan each funeral bagpiping session according to the family’s wishes. “
Funeral Dirges
Kevin plays a variety of dirges (funeral music). These include traditional bagpiping tunes, such as Amazing Grace and Going Home. Other funeral bagpiping tunes could include:
- Battle Is O’er
- Highland Cathedral
- Oft’ in the Stilly Night
- Land of My Youth
- Danny Boy
For clips of some of these tunes, visit Bagpiping Tunes Played by Bagpiping Chicago.
Bagpiping for Funerals FAQs
Kevin always wears the traditional regalia associated with bagpiping.
Quite often, yes. Kevin understands that a funeral often is not planned in advance. Kevin understands the need for flexibility and can often accommodate last-minute requests.
Yes, Kevin can play many tunes. Simply ask, and we can let you know if it’s a funeral song that can be played on the bagpipes.
Contact us to discuss payment options. Our estimate is based on time and the number of venues that Kevin plays (funeral home, church or temple, graveside). He accepts cash.
Phone: (847) 778-6743 – Please call if the funeral is in a week or less